At Facebook we created a fan page of Motofutto (· ∀ ·)
of everyone “Asking Price!” We look forward to!
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New tires are in stock one by one! It is!
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SUPER! Vehicle inspection great popularity reception on the spot!
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introduction in at blog ( ‘∀`) Roh http://www.motofoot.co.jp/?cat=11
Tire mail order exclusive site has been completed!
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We will also receive support for accident resolution at our shop!
From accident car tower to accident counseling, estimate creation, repair all to Moto Fut! It is!
We will also offer proxy car during repair!
Accident counseling is accepted from time to time so please contact our customers if you need help! It is!
The registration of our merchandise mail magazine is from the following ↓ ↓ ↓
Hello everyone (‘∀ `*)
Will not some people have a holidays from today?
Hopefully it will be a nice vacation such as touring far by bike! It is!
Well, today is the guide for Dunlop’s Scooter Tire D 307, Large · Large · Special price! It is!
Depending on the tire size the tire price is up to half price!
If you miss this opportunity it may not be next!
For example …
Before and after the 80 / 90-10 Let 4 … such as
normal before and after the set price
7000 yen whopping 3600 yen! It is! It is!
Before and after the 90 / 90-10 Dio (deluxe · Z4) · tact … such as
normal before and after the set price
7200 yen whopping 3800 yen! It is! It is!
Before and after the 80 / 100-10 Today … such as
normal before and after the set price
7800 yen whopping 3600 yen! It is! It is!
90 / 90-12 & 100 / 90-10 lead 110/125 such as …
usually before and after the set price
8200 yen whopping 6100 yen! It is! It is!
90 / 90-12 & 110 / 80-10 Benryi 110 (professional), etc. …
usually before and after the set price
9500 yen whopping 7300 yen! It is! It is!
Please take this opportunity to exchange!
Because it is quantity limited, it is first come first serve ~
※ Other, wages · air valve fee · waste tire fee is required.
Additional labor does not occur, if you pay in cash
pay-air valve Charge (rubber straight type before and after) is about roughly 8000 yen in the waste tire fee.
For special tires, member rate can not be used together. please note that.
You can read such other size from here
And one more thing! It is!
BATRACS SC Bias new size has appeared from Bridgestone! It is! It is!
Cygnus, such as X · Majesty 125 Fusion address 110 and DIO110
now be able to guide you!
There are not many rare size tires in domestic tires.
I am happy for overseas scooters (‘∀ `*)
You can read such other size from here
Work reservation · Inquiry Come and have a look! It is! It is!
TEL: 042-740-2266
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Just fill in your email address and press the register button (^ ^)!
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